
Brotherman Revelation Drops MLK 2016 Weekend

brotherman revelations

The long awaited reboot the the classic comic book “Brotherman: Dictator Of Dicipline” is coming out on Martin Luther King weekend in 2016! The title is “Brotherman Revelation” and it’s a graphic novel created by Emmy Award Winner, illustrator, Dawud Anyabwile and writer Guy A. Sims.

About Brotherman:
“1990s critically acclaimed comic book, Brotherman: Dictator of Discipline has been more than just entertainment. Brotherman has served to be an intellectual ignition for the entrepreneurial spirit, creativity, cultural awareness, and positive self-esteem. From the moment Brotherman hit the streets, a generation of artists and would-be artists saw that depictions of themselves was not only possible but cool. They realized that not only did they have stories to tell but now a different and unique vehicle to tell it.

They found the confidence that images of heroism, strength, intellect, and love, was neither monolithic nor absent from their own images. The impact of Brotherman has and continues to be the creative catalyst for people of all backgrounds, ethnicities, and nationalities; There is a truth that transcends boundaries and empowers.”
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brotherman revelations


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