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BS Doom – By Joe Flores × Iconoclast Toys’s

BS Doom Joe Flores

Iconoclast Toys’s linked up with Joe Flores and crafted this awesome Bart Simpson bootleg toys called “BS Doom w/ Cape!”!! This awesome figure is a mash up of the iconic look of supa emcee MF Doom, who himself based his look on the classic comic book villain Dr. Doom, now that’s one crazy mash up 4sho!!

“BS Doom w/ Cape!” is part of the series “(B)artist Series 1,” a series of “evolved” bootleg Bart Simpsons figures by Iconclast x Joe Flores. Each figure is hand-painted & packaged by Manny X and will be available on Friday, March 11th, 2016 at 12pm Pacific time for $60 apiece in the Iconoclast Toys online shop. This figure will only be available for 48-hour during an open run release so you gotta be on top of things this weekend if your trying to get your hand on one.

Spotted on SpankyStokes
BS Doom Joe Flores


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