If you didn’t know already, Ralph Lauren, one of the biggest names in the fashion is the official outfitter of the 2016 United States Olympic Team. As part of their coverage of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games they made a video series called “Meet Our Athletes” and one of the segments features BMX Elite Pro Connor Fields!
In the video Connor discusses what drove his Olympic quest when he was just 14 years old, and why “Nobody races to get third.” There’s also a great page on Ralph Lauren’s official website that features Connor and talks about how he worked hard to get to the Rio Games. They also add some cool rider stats and links to his social sites. It’s the best BMX Rider profile page we’ve ever seen, it would be awesome if USABMX did something like this for the pros.
Now this is BIG!! Ralph Lauren And BMX in the same sentence?? This is prime time, mainstream love BMX is getting via the Olympics this time around. It’s an awesome look for super fast and talented Fields and an awesome look for BMX Racing! We hope these segments get played nationwide on TV, that would be sick!
Big Shout out to Connor for all his big moves and getting more people to know about BMX Racing!