
Olympic BMXer Connor Fields In Vanity Fair And USA Today (@cf11)

Conner Fields Vanity Fair

BMX Elite Olympian Connor Fields has been making the rounds promoting BMX to a broader audience via some major media outlets.

He was recently seen on USA Today talking about Professional BMX races and what it take to get to that final 8 riders for the big prize, Olympic gold!

Connor was also seen featured in a portfolio for Vanity Fair. VF photographer Sam Jones put together a photo album that featured some of the athletes that will be representing Team USA at the upcoming Olympics. Connor was featured jumping with just his shorts and clipless shoes on. We wonder if they had him jumping a box jump or was he just doing really stylish bunny hop. Or maybe they had him at a track hitting a real jump and just photoshopped the background out?

And to top it off Conner won both days at the Canadian Cup in Toronto this past weekend. This was his first races after his injury, that dude us a beast!!
connor fields first win after injury
Be on the look out for Connor at the RIO Olympic Games racing for the gold aboard his Chase RSP 3.0 this August!!


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