The Shadow Conspiracy pro rider Joris Coulomb has some fresh new signature products!! All the products have a nature inspired design which is really cool. His signature Maya grips are based off of beeswax candles and Hemp material was used to composes his Penumbra seat cover.
More about the Penumbra Seat Cover:
“We thought the Joris Coloumb Series 1 Penumbra seat was so rad that we decided to reintroduce it with updated materials and a fresh new colorway. Sticking with the “Fruit of life” symbolism, we switched the top panel material to heavy duty Corduroy and the rear panel to durable microfiber. This stylistic update breathes new life into this already popular seat.”~The Shadow Conspiracy
Heavy Duty Corduroy and microfiber material
Beautiful new colorway
Dense mid-size foam with 3 panel construction
New Coffin rubber Pivotal patch (For pivotal model, duh!)
Tripod and Pivotal models
Weight: 11.25 oz. for Pivotal