With the Rio Olympics approaching we’ve been seeing all types of commercials showcase glimpses of the variety of sports to be featured at the games. But we really haven’t see any real good BMX racing presentations until now!!
The folks at Volkswagen have a “Newsroom” page on their website where they did an quick introduction video to BMX Racing with footage from one of the UCI Supercoss tracks and it’s great!
The commercial features Elite Pro riders Nic Long, Brooke Crain, Alise Post, even LTR(Lethal Threat Racing) amateur riders Shane and Noelle Blackman with some testimonials about how awesome BMX Racing is.
Now this is the type of exposure BMX Racing needs and we Salute Volkswagen and UCI for putting this together. Hopefully we’ll see this commercial getting aired nationwide!
Check out more videos from the Volkswagen Newsroom HERE