We’ll be bringing back the Sugar Cayne Bike Fest back to Trumbull T.R.A.C.K. in Connecticut for another round of off road cycling crazyness!!!
The 4th Annual Sugar Cayne Bike Fest will be better than ever with all types of cool off road cycling competitions
This year’s events will be even more of a “Run What Ya Brung Jam”, anyone with any bike type can compete.(Fat Bike, Cyclocross, BMX, MTB, Trials, Road, fixed etc)
-Bring any/all the bikes you want, compete on a different one in each event if you want.
Don’t have bike? Trumbull T.R.A.C.K. has a fleet of loaner bikes and helmets to use at the event.
– Age Groups 9&Under, 10-15, 16&Over, everyone competes together.
-Points Chases for “Best Team”, “Raddest Girl” and “Raddest Old Guy”(35&Over).
-We will be grouping all competitors into teams of 4 riders with at least one rider from each age group in each team. At the end of the event we will be awarding the 3 teams with the highest combined score.
-Individual riders- will be awarded per competition
List Of COMPETITIONS(Depending On Turnout):
-Bunny Hop.
-Long Jump
-Last Straight Dash
-High Jump
-Longest Skid
-Relay Race
-Best Style
-Time Trial Relay
-Multi-Lap Race(It’s a little different than the previous ones)
-Most Manuals/Longest Manual
Trumbull also has 2 pumptracks and brand new trail style jump line is in the works to be ready for the event. The jump line is set to be built by pro trail/track builder Evan Eisenhard. If everything works out with the jump line we’ll be doing a a special “Best Trail Style” competition for the dirt jumpers.
It’s not mandatory for all members of a team to compete in all the competition. Just do the one’s you want and have fun.
-Track Opens At 9am
-Registration 9am-11:30am
-Competitions Start 12pm
For more information visit SugarCayneBikeFest.com