Emcee, B-Boy, BMX Flatland freestyler, Comedian and Musician Raphael Xavier is bringing his world of eclectic passions into what many have called a modern day three-ring circus called Raphstravaganza!
Saturday Sept 10th at Philadelphia’s City Hall courtyard, break dancers, saxophonists, chalk artists, face painters and a flatland BMX rider will showcase their amazing skills to the masses in a free family-friendly event! It’s gonna be a dope HipHop, BMX, Art event!!
“I had the idea of bringing all the (street) performers in the city in one space so you don’t have to walk from City Hall to the subway station to Rittenhouse Square,” Xavier said. “Now you can see them all at one spot.” ~Raphael Xavier
The idea which was 2 years in the making was Raph’s idea of combining several activities he enjoyed as a child. Raph actually still does a lot of these things himself, but for the show decided to recruit the best talent he knew.
“I love this because it shows you’re never too old to do what you loved doing as a kid,” ~Raph Xavier
Amen to that!!
The show runs from 12p-7pm, so if your Philly this weekend definitely check it out!!
Crazy Al Cayne was introduced to Raph by Jos Duncan earlier this year when he went down to Philly with Curtis Sherrod for a Rapacon promotional run. We’re hoping to get him on a future episode of Spittin In Da Wip and of course get some shredding in on the BMX bikes 😉
Spotted on Billypenn.com