Back in 2008 at the Olympic Games in Bejing BMX made it’s debut as the latest sport to be added to the games. That year Nike was a big sponsor of the event and they created custom footwear for Team USA and other countries. Now here’s the cool part. Custom toy designer Michael Lau was asked by Nike to design team uniforms and shoes for the Chinese BMX team. Michael jumped at the opportunity and along with that he released a boxed set featuring a BMX figure! It was a cool small four-legged bicycle, BMX rider and yellow Nike Blazers kicks all done in the actual team uniform colors. The box itself was done in vinyl and patterned after a Nike shoe box but it was designed to look like it was covered in mud with tire tracks crossing it.
Custom toys, BMX and Fashion mash ups are on of our favorites!
in BMX, Sneaker Collection, TOYS
#TBT: Michael Lau BMX Inspired Toy And Sneakers