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5th Annual Black Comic Book Festival (300+ Photos)

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I always look forward to starting my year off with covering one of the most exciting events for me to attend, The Black Comic Book Festival! It’s New York City’s premier independent comic con’s featuring comic book creators, artist, illustrators, writers, toy makers and publishers of color. Once again the event went down at the historic Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in Harlem. The event features lots of great vendors, great, informative and inspiring panels and of course cosplayers. Speaking of Cosplay, this year’s event saw the biggest cosplay turnout with over 20 people dressed up as their favorite characters. This was also the first time the event was held over two days (Friday & Saturday) and it was highly successful both days. You already know Saturday was packed with people and by the afternoon there was a line around the block with excited people waiting in the snow to get in.

There was a who’s who of amazing comic book creators at the event such as Robert Garrett, N.Steven harris, Shawn Alleyne, Mshindo Kumba, Black Comic Book Festival co creators Jerry Craft and John Jennings, creators of the legendary Brother Man Comics, Dawud Anyabwile, Guy Sims and Brian McGee, Regine Sawyer, Alex Simmons, Ray Felix, Andre Leroy Davis, N. Steven Harris and Andre Batts to name a few.
I could go on and on about how amazing this event was but I have to edit all my video interviews from the event 😉 So for now check out the photo gallery below to see some of the great times had at the 5th Annual Black Comic Book Festival!!

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