
16 Comic Book Creators Bring Their Characters Into The Powerverse

the powerverse

One of the most sought after but hardest concepts to pull off in indie comics is trying to get multiple superheros from multiple different comic book creators with multiple universes and bringing them together into one universe. Well with the creation of The Powerverse all of that is about to change.

The Powerverse is comprised of indie market greats, legends, and up-and-comers who all came together to create a massive and vibrant universe just like the big three. Currently there are 16 creators involved in the project Vince White, Chris Ward, Justin Christelli, Rodney Jean-Etienne,Brian Mark Williams, Jay Piscopo, Andre Batts, Jay Kelly, Russ Walton, Jiba Molei Anderson, Nigel Flood, Tony Kittrell, Warnia Sahadewa, Keith Jackson, Eric Leggs Sr and Aries Padron.

The premise of The Powerverse is centered around the events that took place in issue #1 of Vince White’s: “THE LEGEND OF WILL POWER”, the indie-comic-multiverse is now dimensionally porous! Because of this, the multi-verse finds itself closer than ever before. THE POWERVERSE™ kicks off officially in THE LEGEND OF WILL POWER issue #8 which has now changed its name to “THE POWERS THAT BE!”
the legend of Will power issue 1

In its debuting, five-issue, story-arc, labeled: “THE COMBINATION EFFECT!”, heroes from around the Indy market have to come together to defeat a greater foe. The after effects leave a porous multi-verse the likes of which you’ve never seen! THIS IS THE POWERVERSE™!

We’re super excited for this project, can’t wait to read it!
For more information visit The Powerverse Kickstarter Page


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