We came across this cool illustration today which is a comic book cover variant of Miles Silas Biggar’s “Young Heroes For Hire”! The comic is about the adventures of Trent Taylor and Chang Lee two courageous teenage men who are trying to make a difference by fighting crime. Trent AKA The Flying Dark Eagle and Chang AKA The Chosen One “Gold Dragon” fight crime together in the gritty streets of New York City!
The torch has been passed down, ‘Young Heroes For Hire’ paying homage to the true Legends.
The New #2017 Luke Cage & Iron Fist !
The Flying Dark Eagle’s Superpowers:
1. Wings are bullet proof
2. can fly
3 Super hearing -can hear from a mile away
4 Excellent Binocular Vision can see in the dark- ‘Night Vision’
5. Super strength -stronger then the strength of 10 men
6 Have incredible speeds up to 50 miles per hour when flying
7. Can Communicate with all birds types
8. Push white button on belt, the calling of hundreds of birds within a 100 miles radius
10. Have a good sense of smell
1.vulnerable to intense light, temporary blindness for a few minutes slowly regain his sight
2.vulnerable to extremely loud noise , migraine and dizziness
Martial Arts King
We’re not sure when this coming is coming out or who drew the cover but we’re working on getting that info for you. We hope the rest of the coming is gonna look as good as this cover, stay tuned!
For more info visit the Dark Eagle World Facebook Page