Lisa from Perry Teri Toys gave Crazy Al Cayne the update on the brand “Cut It Out” color/cut marker at this year’s Toy Fair NY. Crazy Al interviewed Lisa back in 2015 at Toy Fair NY when they first launched the “Shape Shark” which is now called “Cut It Out” Today you can find “Cut It Out” in Toys-R-Us and Michael’s to name a few. Lisa gave us a quick demo of Cut It Out too! Next Crazy Al  got an exclusive look at the new “Balloon Warriors” game that’s coming out later this year. Check out the video to see how it works.
About Perry Teri Toys:
“Perry Teri Toys LLC is based in Sunny Florida. We love to design toys, discover new ways to play and see parents and children enjoy playing with our works. And we’re exceptionally good at bringing new innovations to life.
We won the Top Prize on Good Morning America’s Shark Tank Your Life! Shark Daymond John selected our Patented ShapeSHARK as the winner. We launched under the brand Cut-It-Out! The Cut-It-Out has also won awards and sold in mass at Barnes & Noble, Toy-R-Us, Michaels and Specialty including Learning Express.”
For more info visit PerryTeriToys.comÂ