On May 27th-28th the Sugar Cayne Bike Fest returns to where it all started T.R.A.C.K. BMX – Trumbull Racing And Cycling Kids!!! This time around we’re doing it bigger and better than ever by making it a two day event. The SCBF has about 10 different competitions and we wanted to try to do them all this time around.
Also for the first time we’ve added a sanctioned single point race to the event but with a twist….We’ll be using the Total Points System!! In keeping with the tradition of making the SCBF a unique cycling event we knew if we were going to add racing it would have to be something different about it too.
List of Competitions:
-Bunny Hop
-Long Jump
-Bunny Hop Long Jump
-Longest Skid
-Holeshot Eliminator
-Longest Manual/Wheelie
-Relay Race
-Time Trial Relay
-Last Straight Dash
-Best Trail Style (Jump Line Competition)
-Best Launch Ramp Trick (Best Trick wins a Freshpark Launch ramp)
-Sanctioned Single Point Race
-Best Rail Grid Trick (Best Trick wins a Freshpark Launch ramp)
We’ll be teaming up 4 random riders from the different age groups who will accumulate points throughout the day from each competition. The team with the most points at the end of the day wins Best Team.
The riders with the most individual points by the end of the day wins in their age group. Number plate awards will also be given out to the winners of each competition in each age group.
All awards and prizes will be given out at the end of the event both days (except for the single point race). Yes it’s an All Day Event!
Prizes will be going out both days to the top 3 in each category:
-Best Team
-Raddest Old Guy
-Raddest Girl
-Raddest 9&U
-Raddest 10-15
-Raddest 16&Over
Schedule Saturday May 27th:
9am track opens (Track Practice)
9am-10:30 Race Registration
9am-12:30pm SCBF Competition Registration
11am: Races Begin
1:30: SCBF Competitions Start
List OF Competitions:
-Longest Manual/Wheelie
-Bunny Hop Long Jump
-Longest Skid
-Best Trail Style (On the newly designedjump line)
-Best rythm Style
Sunday May 28th:
9am track opens (Track Practice)
9am -11am SCBF Registration
12pm competitions begin
-Relay Race
-Bunny Hop
-Holeshot Eliminator
-Time Trial (Pump Track)
-Last Straight Dash
$25 to compete in all competitions (one day)
$35 to compete in all competitions (both days)
$12 (Saturday Race only)
For more info about the event and to check out the photos and results from past events visit