Here’s a BMX video edit I’ve always wanted to do! Just some random clips of me speeding around town hitting curbs and sidewalks. I happened to pick one of the windiest days to do it lol! Most of the riding I was doing was against a pretty strong wind that just kept getting harder the faster I pedaled. My dude Chris Best of BestSolus NY helped me out by following me around in the “camera car”.
I hit up a bunch of spot ride when I’m sprinting around town in Roosevelt, Uniondale and Merrick Long Island. That wind was really getting me so I’m gonna have to revisit some of those spots and hit em up a little better than I did on this edit. But it was fun to shoot 4sho!!
This is one of many edits I’ll be doing like this. This was kind of a test run so stay tuned for more!
#Bikelife #bmx #bmxracing