Bishop Nehru has released a trailer for his album “Elevators”, revealing more details about the upcoming HipHop project. The video shows some of the behind the scenes production process of the stop animation video. Bishop does a poetic narration over the video giving hints to what the project is about. The Artwork, Miniature figures and miniature sets are nicely done by Raphael Truffi Bortholuzzi of Grandmondo Miniatures.
The Elevators album will be split into two parts: Act I (Free Falling), and Act II (Ascension). The album is slated to drop on March 16th.
“This project is a collection of my feelings straight from my heart, all of my ideas were created specifically off of instinct and intuitive occurrences,” explains Bishop. “This album is my answer to the question, ‘What would you say your music sound like?’ My answer to that would be ‘Grammy Rap.’ There’s ‘Mumble Rap’ and then there’s ‘Grammy Rap.’ With this project I was largely influenced by music theory and Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys. This is my attempt at a ‘rap’ Pet Sounds.” ~Bishop Nehru
Bishop also announced a series of dates for fans to take part in a listening session for the album. Find out more on