
Eric Spears, How Truth BMX “Mechanicsville” Frame Got Its Name

Truth BMX Mechanicsville frame0

Truth BMX Products Co-Owner Eric Spears posted some photos of the brand’s BMX Street frame called the “Mechanicsville”. He gave everyone a little insight on how he came up with the name. Eric took a photo of himself holding up the Mechanicsville frame while he was standing in front of the Mechanicsville Maryland town sign.
Mechanicsville, MD, eric spears

I thought this would be pretty cool to show people where TRUTH came up with the name “Mechanicsville” for our street frames. Right above the hill is where I was raised. The next photo will be the “Hollywood”. Never forget where you came from! #truthbmx #truthbmxproducts #Mechanicsville ~Eric Spears

Truth BMX Mechanicsville logo top tube

Truth street frames are made out of 100% 4130 Cr-Mo.With Butted Down and Top tubes,CNC integrated 45/45 head tube with gyro tabs, top and down tube gussets for additional strength,CNC Mid BB shell,integrated seat post clamp,seat stay located bosses for removable U-brake mount with room for large 2.40″ tire,14 mm CNC dropouts,6 mm thick.

Truth BMX Mechanicsville frame
The names of the Truth street frame line up is based on their sizes. The Mechanicsville is the 21.25″ Top tube version of the frames.


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