
Kid Carvers & The Backyard Bike Bandits

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133art released the cover to volume #2 of the their comic book series Kid Carvers & The Backyard Bike Bandits and had to share it with you!! We got the co-creator of the comic, Jason Reeves of 133art to let us know all about it!
“So Kid Carvers, named for one of Black history’s great polymaths Gorge Washington Carver, is our contribution to the Black Speculative Fiction movement. It is first, an all-ages action adventure about genius twins Marley & Charlie Carver, who in the wake of a rash of bike thefts in the neighborhood decide to take matters into their own hands, and solve these crimes. The become junior detectives, using their brilliant minds and gadgets to unravel the mystery of the Backyard Bike bandits. Its a childhood romp through the city of New Orleans(where I’m from), that’s one part Goonies, one part Scooby-Doo, last part Doctor Who.”

“At the same time, Kid Carvers is our statement to the masses, Black kids and kids of color can be their own heroes, they are brilliant, and when they put their heads together they can solve the problems that challenge us. Doing a ton of conventions in the past few years, we saw that there were few, if any, all-ages books that the kids could take home with them. As much as we love our rated pg-13 and mature style comics, having to tell parents that maybe this book or that was a little too old for their little ones, was a problem for us. Alverne and I remember being inspired to create from the comics we got to take home and consume as kids and we wanted to provide that. So we set out to fill that need as we saw it, and Kid Carvers was born.”
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“In issue #2 (which dropps Saturday Feb. 17, 2018 at Black Comix Day in San Diego:
the twins are deep into their investigation and we introduce a few new mysterious characters, like Dr. Lance Beaudrox. The twins’ is the prime suspect and owner of Beaudrox’s Bike Shop. And we also get to flashback to a New Orleans before Hurricane Katrina, when all the kids including Joe Carver (the twins’ Dad) raced their bikes in the Crescent City Cross!”

Pre Order your copy of Kid Carvers & The Backyard Bandits HERE


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