Japan based designer toy maker, Taku Obata recently released photos of his latest HipHop inspired creation, B-Girl Down Jacket Nagame. This figure is sculpted from polystone and stands at 13.8 inches tall. Only 100 pieces will be made and they’ll be available on Medicom in late February. B-Girl Down Jacket Nagame’s release is being done in conjunction with Watari-Um Museum. The museum is the site of Taku’s recent exhibition which featured the original, large-scale B-Girl sculpture.
About Taku Obata:
“A self-proclaimed “B-BOY Sculptor,” TAKU OBATA is an artist who uses B-BOY (break-dancer) as a motif in many of his works. After leaving behind his days of dancing and basketball in his native Tokorozawa (Saitama Prefecture), he decided to pursue sculpting at Tokyo University of the Arts (Geidai) after three years of entrance exams. Afterward, he gained much attention for winning the grand prize at TOKYO WONDERWALL for his final university work and is now well-known for his B-BOY-inspired artwork in Japan and overseas.” ~Find out more about Taku HERE
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