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Gary Turner Returns To GT Bicycles

gary turner returns to GT Bicycles

GT Bicycles founder, Gary Turner returns GT for 2019! This is AWESOME!!!

Press Release:

We are excited and pleased to announce Gary Turner BMX and GT Bicycles are coming together to collaborate for 2019. Exciting new projects are in the works for the year. First up, Gary will field a GT Bicycles Factory Development team with 1980s retro flavor. The goal of this joint venture is to celebrate not only the heritage of GT Bicycles, but also the accomplishments of Gary Turner and Richard Long.

GT Bicycles was founded by Gary Turner and Richard Long in the early creation years of the sport of BMX. In 1996, Richard Long passed away, and Gary Turner retired shortly after in 1998. Gary Turner recently ventured back into building BMX style cruisers under the original name he established in 1972 “Gary Turner BMX.”

For more than 40 years, GT has provided riders of all abilities with a trustworthy, rock-solid bike they need to push their limits. GT’s legacy is instilled in every design, be it a BMX, mountain, road, or pavement bike. For more information


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