The Sugar Cayne Bike Fest is back for its 7th year in a row at Trumbull T.R.A.C.K. in Connecticut! This is where it all began! We’ll be bringing back more fun contest for all off road cycling types. We’ll also be bringing back the Bike Show and swap meet for all the vintage and modern day BMX collectors. It all goes down on August 17th!
All BMX/MTB/Cyclocross/Fat Bike/FGFS/Trials Vendors are welcome to set up shop! (Contact (203) 452-0315 or email tr**************@ya***.com for vending.

We’re still at the early stages of deciding which contest we’ll be doing on the day of the event and we’re always working on creating new twist. Below is our current list of event options. The turn out at the event will be the deciding factor on how many contest we’ll do but we know we can do at least 6 of them. Let us know in the comments below what would be the 6 contest you’d like to do at the event.

-Bunny Hop-Longest Skid
-Long Jump
-Bicycle Relay Race
-Last Straight Eliminator Race (head to head)
-Longest Manual
-Longest Wheelie
-Bunny Hop Long Jump
-Pump track Time Trial
-4130 Flat Pedal Race. (Chromoly bikes only)
-Dirt Jumper Race
-Cyclocross Sprint Race (2 laps, 2 motos and a main)

Last years bike show was awesome and we’re making this year’s bike show even better. We’re calling on all BMX collectors and anyone who wants to show off their custom off road bike builds to come out and put your bikes on display. We might even give out a Bike Of The Day award.
-Vintage BMX bikes
-Mid School and Modern Day BMX Bikes
-MTB Dirt Jumpers/Slope Style
-Plus Size BMX Bikes (24″-29″)
-Custom offroad bicycles
-Cyclocross Bike

There will also be a swap meet for people looking to buy and sell bikes and or parts.
Visit for more details