
Black Label Comic Con Photo Gallery

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Our friend Eric Cooper, creator of the graphic novel Knight Seeker, started his own comic book convention, The Black Label Comic Con. The event was held at the Hampton Inn Hotel right next to the Philly Convention Center. The purpose of the event was to focus on creators that have their own independent properties and to center around entrepreneurship. The event had some amazing comic book creators, artist and of course, cos-players in the building. Check out the gallery below to catch the vibes!

Super big shout out to Eric Cooper for putting on this awesome event. I’m looking forward to attending the next one. It’s only gonna grow from here!

About Black Label Comic Con

Black Label ComiCon will be the first of its kind on the East Coast. It is a Comic Con that will feature only intellectual properties of producers in the comic book, fantasy, and sci-fi Industry. In other words this is a totally unique show because it’s about Creativity & Entrepreneurship. This comic con will also embrace the history and the meaning of Black Wall Street. No other comic con has ever made such an event centered around this Era of Black Owned Business during the early 1920’s in American History.
The new ideas of Entertainment will be here, and we encourage all to come out, support, and spread the word.
To add there will be a costume contest, informative discussion panels during the event, and a photo shoot area.


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