Today’s bike of the day is a 2020 Stay Strong V3 Pro XXL ridden by Josh Harris. I really like the color combination and part choice on this build. Things are really starting to heat up with these bike submissions. Check out the details below.

I built this bike with my 9 year old son. It’s the first time in many years I have built a bike from the ground up with all new parts. So I wanted to go all out for the most part. Having 3 boys who also race, I usually get the used parts that I can score for a decent deal and they get all the cool stuff.
I chose to go with Staystrong not only for the awesome design, but the backstory of who they are and what they represent. i wanted something different, something that popped and didn’t look like every other bike at the track. As a 36 expert, I go with the theory of, if you aren’t fast anymore, you have to at least look good.
And thus, my son and I came up with this, I couldn’t be happier. I went with the @5components rims because there weren’t a lot of them in the states yet. Attention is in the details with this build, especially with the Cerakoted little accents here and there. This bike turned out better than I could have ever thought.
~Josh Harris

Parts List:
2020 Stay Strong V3 Pro XXL (IG @StayStrongBrand)
Box o/s 8″ bars
ODI Grips with Cerakoted teal caps
Box Delta Stem
Custom Cerakoted teal headset pacers
Avian forks

Chris King Headset

Box Pink Brake Lever
Pink Cable
Promax Mechanical Brake Caliper
Onyx Ultra ISO hubs 20/MM front 3/8 rear

Pink 5Components Carbon rims
Vee Speed Booster tires 20 x 1.75 / 20 x 1.95
Box 177.5 M-30 Cranks
Cerakoted Teal chain ring bolts
49T Tangent chain ring

18T Onyx Rear Cog
Stay Strong seat
S&M seat post
Promax Clamp

SICK BUILD!!!! Don’t forget to let us know what you think in the comments below. And click on those reaction emoji’s too 🙂
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If you would like to get your bike featured as Bike Of The Day,
2. Send us some high quality photos (full and close up), a Full Parts List with a description about the inspiration for the build. You can also send sponsor shoutouts and any other details about your bike and involvement in the sport
3. Email the photos, parts list, description and links to your website comments directly to su***********@gm***.com. If we like your submission, we’ll feature it. Any custom built BMX bike of any size and type are eligible. IF YOU DO NOT COMMENT ON ANY ARTICLES ON THIS SITE, YOUR SUBMISSION WILL NOT BE VALID.