Today’s Bike Of The Day is a 1986 Hutch Trickstar with Mike Dominguez signature edition bars. This is another nice survivor Hutch collected by Bike Of The Month winner Trevor Hoeckele. So Trevor has a pink Hutch Hollywood and a pink Trick Star, now he needs a Hutch Judge. Only thing is the Judge didn’t coming in pink back in the day. 😉 Check out the detail on this build below and don’t forget to rate it.

My brother saw it on eBay and bought it for me for my 50th birthday. Not an exciting story. Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoy having it in my office.
~Trevor Heockele

Parts List:
FRAME: 1986 Hutch Trick Star. All OG. Original paint, decals, tires etc. Nothing is repopped.
TIRES: Tioga Comp Pool

BARS: Mike Dominguez Signature
HUBS: Sunshine
CRANKS: Sugino power disc and chainwheel.

SEAT: Cycle Pro Shot Gun II
SEAT POST: Hutch laid back
STEM: Hutch Western

BRAKES: DiaCompe MX 1000 front and rear with Gyro.

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