The Broussard Brothers are back with a fresh, animated HipHop treat! Their latest release is a Dragonball Z battle clip mixed to the Battlemasterz track ‘Back and Forth, Young Man”. Antuan Broussard spit some fire lyrical, mathematical bars over the beat. He only spit a hot 16 but those bars were so dope I must’ve played it 30 times in a row. I’m looking forward to seeing more of this series!

Back and Forth, Young man’ is the first video in what will be a series of AMV”s (Anime Music Video’s)showcasing what we deem epic battle scenes from popular anime’s but accompanied with Battlemasterz/Battlehard hip-hop music.
Were about to finish a animation in which our main villain, Goliathfights Broly from Dragonball Z, not only to prove he is the baddestbaddie, but also because he disapproves of the “anime minstrel show” the buffoonery of black characters in anime so he’s after anime villains and “sambo’s alike!
~Antuan Broussard

A young aspiring emcee with a gift to rhyme things into existence must help emancipate the masses with his sometimes volatile gift.
Check out more of the Battlemasterz animated HipHop videos on the Dormworld/ Battlemation Youtube Channel
You can also follow Battlemasterz on Their official Instagram page