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Mongoose Study Shows Potential STEM BMX Curriculum In Schools

justin posey usa bmx foundation

Mongoose Bikes and the USA BMX Foundation have been making major moves with their BMX STEM bike program. They recently commissioned a study of 2000 American parents to better understand what will help their children learn valuable STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) skills during the pandemic. The results of the study revealed over 70% of parents fear their child falling behind in STEM subjects, and a contributing factor being the lack of hands-on learning.

usa bmx foundation tracks

Hands-on learning is something our partners at the USA BMX Foundation specialize in. In 2019, their programming helped impact over 200,000 kids through bike-centric school activities. Their innovative curriculum included Track Modeling, a BMX STEM bike program, and the incentive-based Read to Ride program to keep kids engaged. In partnership with Mongoose, the plan is to extend these opportunities to even more children.

~Mongoose Bikes

In the study they also found that 73% of the 2000 parents agreed their child hasn’t spent enough time outdoors being physically active since the pandemic began. It’s a concerning statistic when you think about the link between physical movement and the ability to learn and retain knowledge. 

bmx track design

“Kids at play, especially active and strenuous play, develop an unconscious knowledge about physics and motion. Problem sets like what USA BMX Foundation has developed give kids the language to bridge internal understanding to foundational STEM skills. It’s a great way to build confidence and do so with relevance and fun.”

~ Scott Soutter, Artificial Intelligence Leader at IBM

Whether students are doing in-person or virtual, at-home learning this fall, the team at Mongoose is excited to have more kids riding bikes through USA BMX Foundation’s creative programming. If you’d like to learn more about how to get one of these programs in a school near you, please check out all the details on the USA BMX Foundation website.

~Mongoose Bikes

I think it’s awesome what Mongoose and USA BMX are doing with their STEM program! I think it would be a great addition to America’s educational curriculum.

mongoose stem stumped


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