The Supercross BMX SX250 30th Anniversary is not just only available as compete bike, it’s also available as frame only. It’s also available in chrome plated, black and raw colorways. The Supercross website has some great details about the frame so I posted it below.

About The SX250
Back in 1989 when we started Supercross BMX, the original frame was our 6 bar design. We used this design for over a decade on our Cro-mo and Aluminum BMX race Frames.
When we designed the SX250, we were limited on tube sizes that the Steel Mills were running, and had to solve the problem of frame flex and stiffness, so the extra triangulation is what we did. By lowering the first set of seat stays and adding the second set of stays for additional triangulation, we had a BMX race frame that was stiffer, faster accelerating and better handling that the other ones on the market.
Since we discontinued the use of the 6 bar rear end and the secondary seat stays, we have always been asked to make a re-issue. So here it is. For our 30 year anniversary, not only are we re-introducing a limited run of the 6 Bar SX250’s , we are upping the ante a bit. It is not an old school wall hanger, but an actual modern race frame, and we got TANGE back on board to build us a few more of the Prestige® Tubesets and have built them into the ultimate Retro Race bike.
Full Heat Treated post weld construction, Campy® Style Integrated Headtube, CNC Machined Euro BB shell, and the famous 6 bar rear end.
Colors are Triple Show Chrome, Gloss Black or RAW.
Available sizes are Pro XL ( 21.25″ TT ) , Pro XXL ( 21.75″ TT ) Pro XXXL ( 22.25″ TT ) and the Pro XL Cruiser ( 22″ TT )
Each model is serialized up to 30, as we are only releasing 30 of each size. And from your serial number you will be able to tell what number yours is. Example, for the Pro XL’s it will be the following serial numbers – 250XL001 , 250XL002, 250XL003 etc….. and will be on the Left Rear Dropout as the Original Supercross BMX Racing Frames were.
All frames will have the 30 Years Behind Bars Retro decals.