Today’s Bike Of The Day is a yellow S&M Hucker retro BMX bike build! David Hoffman submitted this bike which he’s calling the “Le Coq”. Be sure to give this bike a rating via the sliders below for the Bike Of The Month/Year charts.

I wanted the lightest and tightest park/ramp shredder I could build. My inspiration was my love of roosters, and the Boston Bruins. The head tube decal on this Retro Hucker frame sealed the deal. I mean come on, who rides a banana yellow bike? The bike weighs in at a svelt 23.0lbs and once the titanium smalls come in, I’m hoping to shed another lb.
~David Hoffman

Parts List:
- S&M Hucker retro frame
- Odyssey R32 Forks
- Odyssey Aitken Senior 2 seat
- Primo Churchill headset, oil slick
- Primo Churchill cranks
- Fit pedals, oil slick
- Stranger TL stem, oil slick
- Shadow Vultus featherweight bars
- Shadow VVS sprocket
- Primo post
- Primo remix 8t hub laced to Shadow truss hoop with rainbow titanium spokes
- Primo n4fl front laced to Shadow truss hoop with rainbow titanium spokes
- Diatech Hombre brake
- Shadow Conspiracy cable
- Dia-compe tech 77 lever
- S&M Hucker grips
- Maxxis DTH tires
- KMCK1 wide chain
- Odyssey Aitken Wolf bar pad, reversible
- Rooster valve stem caps, too much Coq is never enough!

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If you would like to get your bike featured as Bike Of The Day.
2. Send us some high quality photos (full and close up), a Full Parts List with a description about the inspiration for the build. You can also send sponsor shoutouts and any other details about your bike and involvement in the sport. CLICK HERE for more details on how you should send your photos
3. Email the photos, parts list, description and links to your website comments directly to su***********@gm***.com. If we like your submission, we’ll feature it. Any custom built BMX bike of any size and type are eligible. You can also submit dirt jumpers (Hard Tail Only)