Here’s the one I’ve really been waiting to feature for Bike Of The Day, it’s the new 2021/22 Mongoose Title Team XXXL!! This sick build was submitted by Dwayne Taylor of Factory LRC/Mongoose. He calls this build the Factory LRC Edition. Dewayne breaks down all the new features on the frame below!

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She’s finally ready to show. The Title Team XXXL is a thing of beauty! For years I have been suggesting to do a disc brake mount and finally it’s here! Also with beefed up rear seat stays to stiffen up the rear end this thing is a rocket! Geometry stayed the same from last year (if it ain’t broke don’t fix it!) but XXXL is sporting a 22.25 top-tube, and added in internal chain tensioners. New mat gunmetal color with black and orange hits really sets it off! With all of our Team Partners (Profile racing, Round2, Shimano, RideMISC, Tangent, Yoshimura, KMC, Pro Bolt, and ODI) support brought this bike to full Glory!
~Dwayne Taylor

Parts List:

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