Bike Of The Day is back in full effect this month and to kick it off we’re featuring this pink 1986 Hutch SEL Pro! The bike was submitted by Kevin Jones from Canada and he did an awesome job on this one!!

This bike was sold only in Canada by Sears at the time and I have 1 of 4 in Canada that I know of. My inspiration for this build was based on the Trick Star’s from the same years and to make it into something that never existed.
~Kevin Jones

Parts List:
- Hutch Frame and Forks
- Skyway Tuff II mags
- DiaCompe tech 77 levers
- DiaCompe calipers front and rear
- Dominator Seat
- DiaCompe MX Seat Clamp
- Haro HPF Tires
- KMC white Chain
- Redline flight Cranks
- Odyssey Gyro
- Hutch Pad set
- Hutch Super Star grips
- Custom Ladder bars
- Kool stop brake pads
- Tuff neck sprocket
- Fixation Pedals
- GT Bottom Bracket
- Full custom decals by Rebel Art design
- Powered by Durable Powder coating
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!!!New for 2022!! We’ll be starting every featured Bike Of The Day with a rating of 5 in each criteria. It’s gonna be a little harder to get a super high rating this year. CLICK HERE to see the March Bike Of The Month Chart.
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If you would like to get your bike featured as Bike Of The Day.
2. Send us some high quality photos (full and close up), a Full Parts List with a description about the inspiration for the build. You can also send sponsor shoutouts and any other details about your bike and involvement in the sport. CLICK HERE for more details on how you should send your photos
3. Email the photos, parts list, description and links to your website comments directly to su***********@gm***.com. If we like your submission, we’ll feature it. Any custom built BMX bike of any size and type are eligible. You can also submit dirt jumpers (Hard Tail Only)