Today’s Bike Of The Day is another classic Hutch BMX racing bike! It’s a 1984 Hutch Expert done in a nice Lollipop Purple colorway. It was sent in by Sean Murphy and it’s definitely a head turner. This bike is sick!! Be sure to give a rating via the sliders below for the Bike Of The Month and Bike Of The Year Charts.

Growing up traveling from state to state in our families 1967 Plymouth Belvedere wagon towing our 1950’s Corona 12′ travel trailer life was kind of hard and cramped to say the least. The one thing that I did have was my early 80’s Team Murray BMX that I would tie to the roof rack of our car taking advantage of every opportunity to ride as hard as I could at every stop. One stop was in a town called Barstow CA where there was BMX race that I had to go check out and that is when I saw the bike of my dreams!
It wasn’t a JMC or a VDC, it was a Hutch Pro Star… probably the coolest bike on the planet and remember asking my mom to please take a picture for me. I looked at that picture for years hoping one day we could afford to get one. Well they were quite expensive and that day never came… Fast forward to just a few months ago when I was at a friends house helping him with some yard clean up. He asked me if I could load up a pile of beat up bikes frames into the trash dumpster and I noticed a smaller frame that had that legendary loop tail rear end, I remember thinking this has to be a mongoose until I got it un tangled from another frame and that is where I saw IT!!!!!
That rear brake bridge with the word HUTCH stamped on it! I nearly fell off the mound of clutter I was standing on, I could not believe it! Brought it home, collected some parts that I would have used as a kid and bam, it is what you see here today! BMX was my outlet as a kid and has once again become my outlet today! She is ridden daily and ohhhhh the compliments this ol girl gets!
~Sean Murphy

Parts List
- 1984 Hutch Expert Racerframe
- early Mongoose fork
- Pro Class rims
- OG Competition III tires NOS
- ACS Hubs
- Hutch Bars
- GT Mallet stem
- OG ODI Mushroom grips
- Tektro Lever
- Bulldog Brake
- Cook Bros seat post
- Suntour seat clamp
- GT Seat Wrapped
- Tioga Pedals
- Sugino Maxy 171 cranks
- 40T Sugino chainring
- Lollipop Purple powdercoat

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!!!New for 2022!! We’ll be starting every featured Bike Of The Day with a rating of 5 in each criteria. It’s gonna be a little harder to get a super high rating this year. CLICK HERE to see the Bike Of The Month Charts.
If you would like to get your bike featured as Bike Of The Day.
2. Send us some high quality photos (full and close up), a Full Parts List with a description about the inspiration for the build. You can also send sponsor shoutouts and any other details about your bike and involvement in the sport. CLICK HERE for more details on how you should send your photos
3. Email the photos, parts list, description and links to your website comments directly to su***********@gm***.com. If we like your submission, we’ll feature it. Any custom built BMX bike of any size and type are eligible. You can also submit dirt jumpers (Hard Tail Only)