I got up with my dude Remo (Flipthegate) for a ride. We were originally suppose to go to Shoreham BMX in L.I. but we decided to hit up the city for some fun. My dude Raph came all the way up from Philly to meet up with us for his first time riding at BMX through NYC. I was hyped because this was the first time that three Sugar Cayne 20 inch bikes hit NYC at the same time! I was bugging out over that.
We wound up checking out the Vessel, Hudson River Greenway, Central Park and Williamsburg Bridge. Then we hopped in the car and went to Cunningham Bike Park in Queens for some laps on Jetline and Hell Track. While we were there I caught up with my dude Will Carrier who was riding another Sugar Cayne 20in! Now we had 4 Sugar Cayne bikes in effect. It was pretty surreal for me.
After all that we went to Long Beach boardwalk in Long Island for a nice cruise. We put in some good miles 4sho!
This was one of those random days where everything lined up right…well except for Remo’s bike lol! Can’t wait to do it again!