I had a great time at the Union Square BBQ at Philly Pump Track! Jimmy wanted me to come down and setup a Sugar Cayne Booth. I brought out my 26in prototype and 20in and had them on display. Mitchell Racing Plates, Hoodrich Bikelife, Fictive Brand and of course Union Square were all setup for a nice vendors row.

We were able to get the pump tracks and most of the jump line open after the rain. Everybody was getting busy and shredding on the lines. I even got a few laps in. I was hyped to see all the Union Square team riders out there. A lot of my Connecticut BMX family came down to join the fun. I was super hyped to see Mike Gage at the event. He is one of the original Bull Dog Bikes BMX team members. It was was great riding with him again.

The real HipHop vibes were in full effect when Raphael Xavier and Mic Handz did their performances! It’s been a minute since I saw a live HipHop performance and both of my dudes delivered! They had the crowd hyped!

Then Jimmy Mac hit me with a crazy surprise and gave me Union Square’s first “Rider Of The Year” Award! I was so honored to get this award. I’m still at a loss of words and can’t thank Jimmy enough for this.

There were so many other great moments at the event to talk about but I have tons of video to edit so enjoy the pics below.
If you were at the event, leave a comment below and tell us your favorite moment from the event.
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