Sugar Cayne team rider Raphael Xavier gives us a recap of his race at the 2022 Hampton BMX Gold Cup Qualifier in Virgina! He’s been racing a lot and chasing points to get that #1 plate. He’ll be giving us updates of his results. Check out his recap below.
Hampton BMX Gold Cup Qualifier Recap:
The Hampton BMX Gold Cup Qualifier had a crazy combined moto. It included 46-50 Intermediates, 51+ Intermediates and 51+ experts in two racks. I went to get the points and practice but a first would’ve put me in a great spot. Joe Balsavage and Eric Baglieri were ready to get it in and VA was choice as we thought everybody was going to be in NY for the GCQ. It was absolutely a tough ride, In fact, two riders dropped out due to the unfairness of the moto maker grouping us together.

In any case it was a hot one, weather included. First moto ran smoothly, I was in gate 6. My mission was not only to finish rubber side down but to get to the middle cause the sides of the track were wet from the heavy rain. We get to the line, James Solomon 1stand myself 2nd. I Felt great but anything can happen in the mains especially because I finished ahead of Expert Dominick Coates. I had been chasing him every race but today was different. Or was it?

Time for the mains. I’m in gate 2. “Just get to the middle and pedal” I thought. “Stay away from Dom and James as long as you can”. And I did. Got to the first turn too low and James pedaled the outside as we closed in on Dom. James went by me and Dom stopped pedaling enough for me to take the lead. Now it was about staying away from Dom. Going into the second turn was tight if you were in a group.
There was no Low-High option and you can get caught up. And sure enough…The group got caught up. Dom slipped out, 4thand 5th place exchanged spots and James and I kept pedaling to the line. Finally met up with some great riders who can push and pushed me right to a 2ndplace qualifier with expert points. That, on top of safe riding and good friends can’t get any better. Unless I win the Gold Cup Finals!! WE’ll See!!
~Raphael Xavier
Doin’ Damage in the moto. SUGARCAYNE in the mains!!