

Mongoose Hooligan Aluminum 29in BMX Cruiser Is Dope!

mongoose hooligan wheelie bike

I posted a few months back about the Hi-Ten Mongoose Hooligan but there’s also an Aluminum Hooligan 29inch! This is the lighter, stronger version of hi-ten model and I’m also liking the polished decals on this one! The frame is 6061 aluminum, with 1-1/8th in headtube and same type of horizontal dropouts as the Title Pro. , 1 1/8 in headtube. Hi-Ten is used for the bars and forks but those can be easily upgaded to lighter, stronger parts down the road..

mongoose hooligan

Introducing the next big thing in big wheel BMX – the Hooligan series. Whether you’re a heritage BMXer or a young ripper on a rideout, you’ll be right at home on Hooligan. The Hooligan AL features a lightweight aluminum BMX frame with 29″ wheels and modern geometry for the perfect fusion of stoke and comfort.

~Mongoose Bikes
mongoose hooligan mykel larrin
Mongoose team rider Mykel Larrin doing a classic “Gut Lever” on the Mongoose Hooligan AL

Parts List:

Fork IconFORKMongoose, 29″, Hi-Ten steel, 100 mm bolt-on

Crank IconCRANK3-piece, tubular chromoly 175 mm, 25T


Bottom Bracket IconBOTTOM BRACKETEuro cartridge bearing, 8-spline axle, American, 68 mm shell

Cog IconREAR COGSingle-speed, 13T freewheel

Rim IconRIMSMongoose, aluminum single wall, 35 mm ID, 48H, non tubeless

Hubs IconFRONT HUBAluminum, ball bearing, 3/8 in axle, 48H

Hubs IconREAR HUBAluminum, ball bearing, 3/8 in axle, 48

Spokes IconSPOKES14G, steel, chrome

mongoose hooligan 29 in green

Tires IconTIRES29 in x 2.3 in, wire bead

Pedal IconPEDALSMongoose, aluminum

Brakes IconBRAKESJAK, mechanical disc, aluminum, 160 mm rotor

Handlebar IconHANDLEBARMongoose, Hi-Ten steel, 29 in width, 5 in rise

Stem IconSTEMMongoose, threadless top load, 48 mm

Headset IconHEADSETThreadless, 1-1/8″ external, loose ball bearing

Seat Post IconSEAT POSTAluminum, 250 mm, 20 mm offset, 27.2 mm

Saddle IconSADDLEMongoose Dirt jump, steel rails

Grips IconGRIPSMongoose Mush, 130 mm

For more details visit

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Mongoose Hooligan AL (Polished)
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