I went down to the 3rd annual Union Square BBQ at Philly Pump Track and had a great time! There were a few upgrades to the track since the last jam like the beginner and big pump tracks getting fully paved. No more worries about being able to ride are the rain. They also made a few changes to the flow of the big pump track which makes it flow better.
The dirt jump line is pretty much the same as last time but rumor has it that it may get paved aswell.

The competitions were fun with the dirt jump comp on the dirt jump line and the Fastest lap Comp on the big pump track.

Union Square had some sick prizes from Cult, Shadow Conspiracy, Mitchell Racing Plates, Abus and more. As a suprise to everyone, I bought two Sugar Cayne By Nature and an Illtown Sluggaz BMX frame to add to th prizes. Big shout out to Vin Rock for making the frame give away possible.

My dude Raphael Xavier performed some of his new HipHop treats for the crowd. He also brought his Sugar Cayne 20in to at the the display at the Sugar Cayne tent.

Big shout out to Jimmy Mac, Remo and whole Union Square team for putting on a awesome event. I can’t wait till the next one!
Follow Union Square Shoes on their official Instagram Page!
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