I took the Sugar Cayne Newbridge Dirt Jumper prototype to Foster Bike Park for day three of my DJ review. If you didn’t already know, Foster Bike Park is the new name for the legendary Mullaly Bike Park in the Bronx! It was renamed last year but the real heads will always know it as Mullaly’s!

It’s been a long while since I’ve ridden at Mullaly’s so I had to get the cobwebs out and see if I still knew how to ride the spot lol! After a few runs I got back in the swing of things. It was fun filming my process of trying some of the features out again. Hopefully some of the little insight on jumping spines helps you out if you’re trying to figure them out.

All through the session the DJ was handling it like a charm. No parts got loose and it did everything I wanted it to do without any issues. I can’t wait to make the bike even lighter. I still have yet to take the Newbridge DJ to the trails and track. I can’t wait till everything dries up so I can do some of that!! Stay tuned!