Fools Paradise outdid themselves with this crazy designer toy mash up called Super Fiction 2. When I saw this I was like, how do you just wake up and think, “What if Mario from the Mario Bros and a Smurf played Vincent and Jules from Pulp Fiction“. And what if Jules and Vincent were actually Daft Punk? YOO!! That’s about as Pulp Fiction as it gets lol!! A black Smurf? LOL!! Man I love it!

The Super Fiction 2 // GID collectible designer toy figure set features dynamic poses, glow-in-the-dark shirts, and swappable hands. One set of hands are holding a gun and the other set are holding bananas. The heads are swappable from Mario/Smurf to Daft Punk. If you weren’t sure Jules was a Smurf, his chrome helmet definitely confirms that he is!
You can Pre-order this crazy set exclusively at