
This Is The Wildest Designer Toy Mash Up I’ve Ever Seen!

super fiction fools paradise

Fools Paradise outdid themselves with this crazy designer toy mash up called Super Fiction 2. When I saw this I was like, how do you just wake up and think, “What if Mario from the Mario Bros and a Smurf played Vincent and Jules from Pulp Fiction“. And what if Jules and Vincent were actually Daft Punk? YOO!! That’s about as Pulp Fiction as it gets lol!! A black Smurf? LOL!! Man I love it!

The Super Fiction 2 // GID collectible designer toy figure set features dynamic poses, glow-in-the-dark shirts, and swappable hands. One set of hands are holding a gun and the other set are holding bananas. The heads are swappable from Mario/Smurf to Daft Punk. If you weren’t sure Jules was a Smurf, his chrome helmet definitely confirms that he is!

You can Pre-order this crazy set exclusively at 


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