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Bike Of The Day: 2018 Sugar Cayne Newbridge 24in

Sugar Cayne Newbridge BMX bike

Today’s Bike Of The Day is my personal Sugar Cayne Newbridge Pro 24in XL BMX race bike! The frame is actually one of the first production run, Sugar Cayne 10 Year Anniversary frames. I already had a production frame with the original colorway. So I took another one and did it in black with the new Newbridge sticker kit.

Sugar Cayne 24in BMX Bike


I was playing around with using a different, bigger decals on the down tube. I’ve always liked the bold graphics that the Prophecy Scud EVO 3 had on the downtube. So I tried this Tron style font on one of my raw Sugar Cayne frames and fell in love with it.

Sugar Cayne Newbridge BMX Race Bike 24in

Powder Coating:

Once I got the got the font I wanted, I worked on the other graphics. When I originally designed the frame, I wanted big tubing, not only for performance but also to use it as a canvas for art, illustrations and bold decal designs. Re-doing the frame color and art was my chance to play around with those ideas. First thing I did was get the frame powder coated in matte black from Static Coating which looked dope.

I used my vinyl cutter and made all the graphics. So with the new graphics, I couldn’t just call it the Sugar Cayne Anniversary bike. That was just a limited, one time run in its own color scheme. I had to come up with a different name for the frame, especially if I planning to be making more.

New Frame Name:

I always thought naming a BMX frame after Newbridge Road BMX would be so cool! Newbridge was the track I first started racing at. It was the only BMX racing track in Nassau County and one of only two tracks in all of Long Island. The track closed down in the late 80’s and unfortunately is now a dog park. Upgrading the graphics on my frame was the perfect opportunity to name my frame in honor of the track.

Be sure to give this bike a rating via the sliders below. I want to see your feedback on this one. And in case you didn’t know, 

24in Sugar Cayne Newbridge BMX

Parts List:


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2018 Sugar Cayne Newbridge 24in
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