Back in September I went to the Radville Back For More Tour and ride out. It was an 80’s era inspired BMX demo that featured legendary BMX riders like Ron Wilkerson, Dave Nourie, Mark Eaton, Brian Blyther and Simon Tabron. The event was held in the parking lot on the south west side of Cunningham Park. Saturday was the event day and it was looking like it wasn’t gonna happen due to the rainy forecast. But there was a small break in the clouds and they were able to do the event.
After the show I wanted to show my Mullaly fam the Cunningham trails but the rain finally did come and it was down pour. It wasn’t supposed to last long so we thugged it out under some trees. After that I took them Cunny for a lil tour stating with the Jetline of course. It was a little beat up but it was actually still dry. Then we headed over to the pump track for some laps. It was fun riding with the Mullaly fam. We didn’t have a lot of time so we headed over to Playstation and had a fun session over there too. The Hell Track Jumps were closed because of the rain.

The weather was perfect for Day 2, Ride Out Day! I met up with the Radville crew and the rest of the riders at Cunningham Park and did some quick interviews. Our plan was to ride to Maloof Skate Park in Flushing on our way to Manhattan. Unfortunately Ron couldn’t make it for the the ride. He was injured pretty bad from his fall during the demo and wound up in the hospital. But the rest of the guys from the tour came out for the ride. It was a little bit of a hike from Cunny to Flushing Meadow Park but we had fun.

Queens: Maloof Skatpark:
We made it to Flushing Meadow park and headed straight to Maloof Skatepark. When we got to the spot, we all gravitated to the big platform area for a fun flatland session. It was so much fun watching the legends getting busy on their bikes. I was so hyped that I even snuck in a few tricks. It’s funny because whenever I come to Maloof I’m always looking to jump stuff but this platform was perfect for flatland. And the freshly painted worlds fair structure made a cool backdrop for the session.

Next up we continued our ride to the city through Queens and I have to say, I really love all the bike lanes that that we have all over the 5 boros. It makes riding around the city A Lot more fun. So we finally made it to Dutch Kills and it was time to go over Queens bridge into the Manhattan.
Manhattan: Times Square & Columbus Circle:
We rode down to Time Square and the guys found a perfect spot to start bussing out the tricks. after a few mins people started to form a circle around us to check out the session. At this point it went from a lil session to a straight up BMX show lol! The guys were killing it with the tricks and the crowd was loving it. It was definitely a moment I couldn’t pass up so I threw in some tricks too. This was my first time doing a session like that in Times Square and it was crazy that I was doing it with these BMX legends!

After that I took the crew to a pizza spot. This spot had the worst pizza though. It wasn’t even as good as the typical 99 cent pizza spots. How is that even possible in NYC? At this point we had already caught up with the legend Brian Blyther. He wasn’t able to ride because of an injury but he met up with us in Time Square to hang out.
We finished our epic ride at Columbus Circle where we met up with another BMX Legend, DBlocks! It was a fun session over there but I didn’t catch much of it because my cameras were bugging out and I just wanted to ride. I tried to get some quick interviews with everybody before we headed back to Queens but I didn’t realize my wireless mic batteries were dead. We decided not to ride all the way back to Queens and just take the Subway.
It was definitely an epic weekend of BMX fun with the legends and OG’s! I can’t wait till the Radville Tour comes back to town next year so we can do it again!
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