Writer-Director Raphael Xavier will be releasing his critically acclaimed BMX inspired short film, “Swerve-Eli” on Youtube in February. The acclaimed performing artist spent most of 2024 entering Swerve in film festivals all over the country. The film had a good showing at every festival it was entered and won some awards.

The film, written during the pandemic lockdown, is based on a true story of an encounter with a young BMX rider named Eli. “Swerve·Eli” promises to captivate audiences with its compelling narrative inspired by real-life events. Xavier’s unique storytelling approach and cinematic vision are expected to leave a lasting impression on viewers. Working closely with a community of Bike Life BMX riders in Philadelphia and some as far as California, Xavier is giving these young riders a moment to shine.
The word “Swerve” has gotten a bad reputation. Hopefully this will give them some positive attention, something to be proud about.” ~Xavier
The film will be showing for limited time and you’ll need to purchase a private link to show support and see it. Details will be coming soon! But in the meantime check out some behind the scenes clips from the movie below