
At Peace – By Apollo Brown Is A Beautiful Hip Hop Instrumental

At Peace Apollo Brown

Apollo Brown made this Hip Hop instrumental called “At Peace” and it’s one of the most beautiful Hip Hop tunes I’ve heard in a while! It’s one of those joints that makes the soul feel good and have you putting on a continuous loop all day. He really dug in the crates for this great sample.

I love the flute melody which is the main ingredient driving the tune. Then you have the e.piano which always blends nice with the flute sound. The bass line hits all the right marks with its journey between its notes. Can’t go wrong with strings in the chorus. It’s that ingredient that takes it to a different dimention. And of course it can’t be an Apollo Brown beat without some knocking drums in a boom bap pattern. This Is HipHop and I’m loving it!

“At Peace” is featured on Apollo rown’s upcoing album called “Elevator Music”

About Elevator Music:

“Elevator Music” is a deceptively simple, profound experience—a sonic metaphor for life’s blend of elegance and imperfection. It captures the sensation of moving seamlessly through moments of reflection, whether nostalgic or fleeting, underscoring them with a soundtrack that is as poignant as it is unassuming. Each note feels like the slow, deliberate sip of boxed wine from a plastic cup: unpretentious but evocative, an ode to savoring the ordinary. ~Apollo Brown


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