A few weeks back I saw photos of a sick, custom VW Micro Bus, BMX stem on FB. I had to get those pics and feature it here on the site. I love what people are coming up with these DIY Al’s Rapid Transit VW stems. This one was sent in by Greg Turnbull
The stem was a Christmas gift from my wife. It sat on a shelf for a few months while I tried to decide what to do with it. I was watching the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High one afternoon and there it was, the Spicoli bus, I contacted an old friend at TE customs in Finleyville Pennsylvania, met with him and this is the end result.
~Gregg Turnbull
I love designer art toys especially when they’re BMX related. This stem is the perfect blend of both!
If you have a custom VW stem that you would like to get featured on SugarCayne.com, send hirez photos and the inspiration for your design to su***********@gm***.com.
One new Al’s Rapid Transit VW Micro Bus Hippy Van style BMX Stem. CNC machined out of 6061 billet aluminum , 53mm reach , for use with 1 1/8″ fork, 7/8″ handlebar. Handlbar clamp diameter 22.2mmComes in RAW machined finish. Made in the USA
~ Al’s Rapid Transit.