A 2024 Cult Vic Behm is today’s Bike Of The Day and it looks clean! Piper did a nice job of building this one up. You can’t go wrong with a white and black color scheme. Give this bike a rating via the sliders below for the Bike Of The Month and Bike Of The Year charts

I came back into the bmx scene to race 41-45 cruiser and I wanted to stay chromoly.
I wanna thank Greg and Dwayne at crupi and Lamar and Vic at cult. Nest season hopefully there’s a world # on my plate ~Piper

Parts List:
- Bars 6.5 tangent flat irons
- Stem tangent 60mm
- Forks tangent 20mm
- Tangent seat
- Crupi cranks
- Tangent sprocket
- Odyssey pedals
- Crupi disc brake hubs with rhythm rims
- Hydro disc brakes
- Crupi seat post
- Cult seat clamp
- !!!In an effort to keep the ratings more fair, Every featured Bike Of The Day starts with a rating of 5 in each criteria.
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