
Abrasive (@AbrasiveMuzic) Interview and Trivia

Abrasive HipHOp

I went to SOBs the other night to check out the Faces In The Crowd Showcase and there was this guy in the club that looked like he came straight out the 80’s with the gear he had on. He was also walking around with big ass boom box with a big chain link as a shoulder strap. When it was his turn to hit the stage he brought the energy level up by playing a bunch of old school HipHop Classics but after the 5th song he played I was like “Is this all he’s gonna do up there?” then he went in to his song “Shell Tops No Laces”. I was diggin that joint dude was going in 4sho, so I had to interview him..not only did we do the interview, I’m back on my HipHop trivia grind too, check it out!
Peep the “Shell Top No Laces” video below

Abrasive HipHOp


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