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L.O.U. -Can’t Stand- Dir. by Crazy Al Cayne

L.O.U., Can't Stand, Music Video

Queens emcee L.O.U. AKA “Lets Obliterate the Universe” (@LouFromQueens) commissioned me to shoot his first music video called “Can’t Stand”. “Can’t Stand” is a track off a dope EP that L.O.U did with producer Maze Rockwell called “Life Through A Broken Hourglass”.. I really like the beat that Maze Rockwell put together and Lou’s flow fit the beat perfect, these guys make good HipHop 4sho!!
I like to keep the HipHop videos I shoot simple and raw like they did back in day. We found a few cool spots on the west side and the day was really cloudy and foggy which worked great with the vibe I was looking for. I shot most of this video with my new fish eye lens and it really made the shots come alive. Stay tuned for more music video directed by yours truly.

L.O.U., Can't Stand, Music Video

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