The new Prophecy Scud frames are out and they look soooo dope and fast!! This all Carbon BMX racing frame is meant for business on the track but me being a a dude who grew up with my BMX bike being my main means of transportation, I can tell ya you’ll turn a lotta head riding this bad boy down the block. Now this is not your average frame…you know like the ones that cost $250-$350….nah….the frame alone cost $799!!!!! That’s my whole BMX Gear Budget including a helmet lol!! Yes this is a straight Baller status bike….Just throw a 47/16 on a complete and you’ll be giving the Roadies a run for their money, they might even convert to a 20″ after looking at this bike lol!!! Speaking of sizes Prophecy got you covered with sizes for all ages (Junior, Expert XL, Pro, ProXL, ProXXL and 24”)! Also for 2013 Prophecy picked up two super fast pros Joey Bradford (USA) and Shanaze Reade (UK) so you know your gonna see Prophecy on a lotta podiums! I can’t wait to see this bike in person so I can do a bike check, stay tuned for that!
in BMX Products