Super talented vinyl toy maker Huck Gee will be releasing his new Post Apocalypse Dunny Series sets today from his web shop. It’s only limited to 25 sets so if you better jump on it quick if your a serious toy collector or just enjoy looking at the pictures like I will lol! Each set will include all thirteen of the figures (numbered and signed) along with the series case which will also be signed and numbered.
So if you got $650 sitting around with nothing to do, go get it poppin! Below is brief description of the series via Huck Gee’s blog:
We are very happy to announce Huck’s new Post Apocalypse Dunny Series. An expansion of past creations and an introduction to new. A world of wastes and a world of extremes from a time after time. The inspiration is plainly visible to the perceptive eye.
Huck Gee will be coming to NYC in March with his series for a signing tour, peep the flier below!