Monday night was a busy night for the Radio Boys, C.Truth and Kev Lawrence during their show Thermal Soundwaves Radio. HipHop vets Charli Baltimore and Trick Trick were in the building to promote Charli’s new project and their BMB ENT company. It was a real good interview 4sho! Spittin In Da Wip alumni and dope emcee Signif came through to the show to promote her movement. Publicists and friend to Alyse Feldman of On The Fly PR and Ben from Diamond Life was in the building too. Oh yeah I was on the show too promoting everything I do and my Sugar Cayne Bike Fest coming September 21st! I took a bunch of pictures (186 photos) from the night check em out below! Stay tuned for the podcast of this episode of Thermal Soundwaves radio coming soon!
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