
Art Whino (@ArtWhino) Had A Dope Booth At #NYCC

lou pimentel

The Art Whino booth at this years New York Comic Con had a really dope setup! They took up a big area and had two huge walls with graffiti painted all over them. Then they had 6 or 7 of the illest urban illustrators displaying, creating and selling their art! I got to interview a few of those artist in this clip, oh and did I mention they had a DJ too!!?!? In this clip I got to kick it with illustrators Diametric Flow, Lou Pimentel and DJ Caldeson

lou pimentel

Below is a little more info about Art Whino:

Art Whino is a DC based art gallery whose mission is to bring together the pioneers and freshest talent from around the world. With over 1200 artists in the Art Whino arsenal, ranging from California to New York, Germany to Japan and beyond, Art Whino has become an all encompassing force in the art world. Exhibitions cover the whole spectrum of new art forms ranging from emerging stencil and wheat pasting artists to showcasing the most skilled leaders of the low brow movement.


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